Monday, January 18, 2016

Bon Joouurrr!

Bon Jour friends! I am sorry if I am a little out of breath. I just spent the day running around Paris and the last few hours, I scaled the Eiffel Tower. I managed to reach the second deck and am now enjoying the view of the Seine River as I write this. Ooh la la, what a City!  I came here a few weeks ago and I just can't seem to leave. Actually, I CAN'T leave. My tour group left me behind. I fell asleep in my hotel room and when I woke up they had packed and left. I guess they thought they had packed me, but nope, I was tucked behind the TV snoozing away. Oh well. I guess if you have to get left behind somewhere, Paris is the place!

I have already been to several places...This morning, I sat on the curb in front of the Arc d'Triumph and took a selfie. As you can see, it was hard to get the entire Arc in the picture since I am such a little guy. I tried to wander out into the road a bit to get a better shot, but when a bike clipped my ear and a motor-scooter nearly took off my nose, I decided it would be safer from the curb. My next stop was the Louvre. And let me just say: You could take all the art out of that museum and it would still be beautiful! Etched stone pillar entryways, white marble floors, gilded gold ceilings...I walked up a smooth stone stairway and climbed right up on to Venus de Milo until one of the docents caught me and started shouting. I couldn't understand what she was saying but I could tell it was probably French for something like: "Get that furball off the priceless art!" I shimmied down quickly and headed toward the Mona Lisa. I found her in a large room full of people and lucky for me, I was able to slither my way right to the front and get a good look at that pretty little lady. And little she is! Most people are usually surprised by how small she is, but then again, they say the same thing about me! I liked her smile. It looked like the same smile I get when I am about to pull a cat's tail. I stared at her for awhile and then scooted on out the door, down the hall and out of the building for a piping hot Cafe Americano just down the street.
Next, I took the Metro, a long train, a winding staircase and a cab ride to MontMartre way up in the hills overlooking Paris. My legs were very tired by the time I got there, but my heart soared as I gazed out over the city with the beautiful old church, Sacre Coeur, behind me. I sat on a bench outside the church for awhile and caught my breath. Then, I made my way back to the heart of the City and headed for the Eiffel Tower. I always heard it was amazing, but to actually stand under it and look up, I got a little dizzy with delight. I got even dizzier when I started climbing up.  I don't like heights, but I knew if I just focused on my climb and didn't look down, I would be OK. I HAD to get to the top. No staircase or the elevator for me --too many tourists! I pulled myself up one steel rung at a time until I got to the first platform. My paws needed a rest at that point so I took a break. It was starting to get dark and a little chilly, but lucky for me my winter coat had grown in and I was wearing a scarf, just like the Parisians do. Not a bright one of course. Parisians prefer dark colors. Mine was the same color as the bottom of my paws. After I got my wind back, I climbed up, rung by rung, to the next level and pulled myself on to the platform behind the railing. By this time, the sun had gone down and all of Paris sparkled below me. I could see the giant ferris wheel near the Champs de Elysees and cars rushing up and down dark roadways. Street lights reflected off the Seine River and I could see a small tour boat moving slowly under a bridge. The wind had picked up and it started to rain a little bit, but I didn't mind. I was stunned by the beauty of Paris. I had made it to the top! I couldn't believe I was up here! Wasn't I afraid of heights? WAIT! Wasn't I afraid of HEIGHTS?! YES, I AM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS! I gripped the railing as Paris started to spin. I closed my eyes. My knees grew week and the fur on the back of my neck stood up. I cracked open one eye to see so I could move away from the railing. Lights danced before my eyes. Lots and lots of tiny white lights. GREAT! Now I was seeing spots! They sparkled in and out of my vision. Oh no! I was losing it! Truly losing it! I was going to faint and fall to my death! Wait a minute. Hold on. The lights were actually behind me. On the Eiffel Tower. I wasn't seeing things--it was the tower! The tower was sparkling! There were tiny white lights all over the tower and now they were lit up and dancing up and down the tower! Everyone around me was ooohing and aaaahing and I think I heard some people chanting "Beso! Beso!" behind me. They were probably encouraging a newly engaged couple to kiss, since Paris is for lovers! I forgot my fear as I took in the magic of this moment--so thankful to be here, right now--holding on to the railing, taking in the view with weak knees, but a heart full of gratefulness and joy. This whole journey up the Tower reminded me how sometimes you have to face your fears if you want to find real magic; you have to be brave to experience the best life has to offer. I feel brave right now.
I also feel hungry.
Time for a baguette.
And cheese.
And wine.
And maybe a macaron...

Image result for boofle french
Je T'aime my friends!
Boofle XO
