Saturday, December 27, 2014

Boofle on Vacation: So Many New Places to Pee! Yippee!

Helloooo Friends!

Hope you had a Boof-tacular Holiday!

I wanted to let you all know this week I am on vacation in  Santa Barbara, California, so I will not be able to get my usual cards and notes in the mail to you. I am sure you all understand that a busy dog like me needs some time off. I usually check myself into the Dog Daze Resort in town and let the ladies there fluff and pamper me, but this time I decided to hit the Southern California coast.
Wow, is it beautiful here in Santa Barbara! It's January and my fur is so warm in the sun! This usually only happens in the dog days of summer, or when the neighbor's cat sits on my back.

I'm really enjoying all the new smells, too. I can tell A LOT of other dogs have vacationed here before---they have really left their mark! So far I have smelled a Scottie, Great Dane, Dalmatian and I think I even picked up on the scent of a runt Whippet down by the Visitor's Center. Oh, and of course, I left MY mark, too. If you are ever near Fess Parker's hotel, make a pit stop at the lawn by the big concrete rainbow and think of me.

Well, folks, I better get these little legs moving. I want to get down to the beach to look for rare shells and baby starfish and then later get a bite to eat at the Benchmark Restaurant on State Street.  I heard they have some little fried chickpea things that occasionally roll off the table while people are eating. Hey, a dog can hope! People say the sunsets at the beach are nice here, too, so I want to be back sitting on the beach when the sun goes down. Even though my nose and ears will probably be cold, I'll think of you as I watch the light turn pink and then fade away. Unless something crawls on my leg, then I'll be jumping up and down, swatting and yelling "Get it off me!" like a chihuahua.

That's it for now, my dear friends. I'll check in with you all later and don't worry - I'll keep those cards and letter coming once I return to my normal duties.

Happy New Year! May your days be full of laughs, love and plenty of kibble!

Love always,

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