Saturday, January 10, 2015

Love is...

I'm back from vacation.
And I'm in love.

My cards and letters to all of you may be slightly delayed, but don't worry my friends, they will get to you. It's just that, well, I'm a bit distracted right now. Lovesick. Head over hind legs. Ka-bowzers.
When I fall in love, I fall hard. I mean like a doberman on a wet sidewalk or a Great Dane at an ice-rink or a Scottish Wolfhound on linoleum. You see, I met the nicest little friend on my vacation to Santa Barbara and we really hit it off. I met her near a pond that had plenty of fish and a great view of the park. She likes the same things I do - meat, fresh grass under paw, stray cats, open fences, postal workers and that stuff that goes with pancakes...what is it called again? It's warm and yummy and smells good?...Oh yeah, bacon. We both love bacon. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon. Yummy, greasy, crunchy, meaty, tasty BACON. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
Oops, sorry about that. I got carried away.  I'm back now.
Anyway, as I was saying...I'm in love.
I've loved before. I mean, there was that cute poodle who caught my eye at the Walmart a few years back. We were both in the dog food section and she was wearing the cutest little pink Princess sweater and I just had to ask her out for some kibble and bits and a bowl of water. But this time, with this one, it's just different. You know what I realized?
Love isn't just about having things in common. It's about finding common ground. It's about understanding where the other person is coming from and then trying to meet them there. It's getting through life together, one step at a time. Sometimes you prance, sometimes you limp, but you get through it together. Like, for example, I know my new love is very, very afraid of pools because she told me one time, not too long ago, she fell into one and had to dog paddle for two hours until her mom came home from work and pulled her out. She was not supposed to be near the pool and she thought she was going to get scolded, but instead her mom just held her in a warm towel and stroked her wet ears and told her how glad she was that she was OK. So, since I know that she is afraid of pools, I know I will never take her near a pool. Or if I do, I know that it will be on her terms and I will hold her paw while we stand in the shallow end. We'll both be nervous and wet and smell like what the humans describe as "baby barf" but we'll do it together. We'll be there for each other and help each other. We'll be together. If you look in the wet grass, the mud or in the sandy areas you'll see our paw prints side by side because we'll be walking together. (Don't look too hard in the sandy areas. The neighborhood cats use it for YOU KNOW WHAT.)
That's what love is, my friends. It's going down the road together. Paw in paw. Nose to nose. Heart to heart...Tails up and wagging even if it's raining or sunny or the dog catcher is working overtime.
Well, at least that's part of what love is.
Love is also...


See you soon my friends!


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