Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bent Tree and Broken Bulbs (Ah, Christmas!)

Wow guys, I finally got it done.
I went out to the tree farm, cut down my own Christmas tree, tied it to the top of my car, drove it back to my place, put it in a stand full of water and decorated that sucker.
OK, no I didn't.
I had some strong man at the Christmas tree farm tie it to my truck. Some other strong friend of mine took it down off my car. I didn't decorate it by myself either. I had help. Snuggle came over and insisted that he hang all the bulbs, even the fancy, hand-decorated ones. He got out a handful of those little green hanger thing-ys, hooked eleven of those big, flashy bulbs and climbed up on a step stool and started hanging them.
I had to tell him to spread them out a little bit. Hang them on different branches. Not pile them up in the middle like a collection of marbles. He tried. He moved a few right and a few left and then this is when things really got funny. You know how Snuggle is made of squishy, fluffy, soft cotton? You know how this squishy, fluffy soft cotton is curly?  Well...
Snuggle was reaching way, way up to the top of the tree to hang a big, shiny gold bulb when his belly fur got tangled in one of the branches. All I heard was a squeak, a grunt, a rustle, then silence.  I turned around to see the tree falling over with Snuggle attached to the front of it. I ran over and tried to help the little guy by catching him, or, er, um, catching the tree but it basically just made a Christmas pancake out of both of us. Once we disentangled ourselves from the pine branches (Snuggle became bare chested in the process), we managed to push the tree back up, although, it never made it back up to its full height. It kinda leans now. OK, it REALLY leans now. We basically have a arch for a Christmas tree. It looks silly. (Not as silly as Snuggle though!)
But you know what?
It's OK. You know how I told you in the beginning that I brought home the tree by myself? Decorated it by myself? You know how you soon discovered that wasn't really what happened? Well, it's true. You know now I had help.  Maybe Snuggle's help wasn't always, uh, help-ful, but it was nice to be with him and to work on the tree together. Isn't that what makes the holidays special? Being with someone you love? Making memories? Breaking bulbs and bending trees together? I think so. With Snuggle by my side, the apple cider tastes sweeter, the bulbs burn brighter, the pine smells fresher and well, the tree bends to the right and is missing a few branches, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I would rather have a few broken bulbs and a bent tree with Snuggle, then a perfect tree and no Snuggle. Now, if you'll get excuse me, I have to go stop Snuggle from burning the Christmas cookies. He just put the cookie dough in the oven. I mean, IN the oven. No baking tray.
Have a love filled holiday season and be good to each other.


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